If I were pearls, where would I be?

Here is the follow up to my Facebook Live post last week where I shared a sneak peek of the design for my monthly team cards. I was also playing a game with myself that I know you can relate too! It is called, if I were a supply, where would I be? The game starts with me standing in the middle of my stamping room and scanning all surfaces with my eyes. I think back to when I last used the supply and then I can usually find it pretty quickly. This method did not work this time though! Those pearls were hidden good!

I had looked several times throughout the day for the pearls so decided to look again the next morning. Within 30 seconds of looking the next morning, I found the pearls! So I was off to finish the cards and they went out via snail mail shortly after.

If you join my team in June, you will receive this card too! Let me know if you want to meet at the new Greenbush Bakery location to discuss being a demonstrator. We can stamp a donut paper project while we chat too.

I thought I would share the card assembly progress in photos so hope you like the behind the scenes looks!

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My Super Awesome Team Members enjoy about a card in their snail mailbox a month from me. Sound like a super awesome perk me up? Join my team today to start perking!

Super Awesome Stamper Shirley